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The closest we have to Hell is choosing to cut yourself off from the divine and reject God. It's 100% your choice, not His. But, if you choose it, you'll be happy there. So it's not really Hell, it's just eternal sameness.

Religion is weird. Sorry.

My branch of Christianity doesn't have a hell. We do believe that you will eventually have to face God and have a sit down chat about your life choices, but we also believe He loves you and supports you, so He's okay with me throwing a temper tantrum like the immortal toddler I am.

I do pray. I am Christian and religious. But the older I get the more my prayers resemble something from Penric (World of the Five Gods by Bujold) in which I pointedly explain to my deity of choice that this is His problem and He needs to fix it.

By the miracle of ice and multiple kinds of allergy meds my jaw feels better. (there might also have been some prayer and bargaining with God going on)

I can at least move my jaw without hurting, so we have progress. Yay!

I need to get breakfast so I can take allergy meds so I can try to function. What I actually want is a zombie apocalypse because the idea getting bitten once and not feeling pain ever again is super appealing right now.

I'm currently booking editing clients for the second half of the year. If you need an editor between August and November, let me know!

The problem with dealing with Korean won all day is I automatically put a decimal point where the comma is to calculate the USD equivalent.

So 10,000 KRW become $10.00 USD.


No, I'm not over how Euro-centric my education in the USA was or how much it tried to reduce the non-white parts of the world to cater to racists. Why do you ask?

Anyways, yes, there are entire national parks in the Americas that could eat a small European country and have room for the UK leftover. Then there's Algeria in Africa which could take up the western half of the continental US and China is the size of Europe.

In the Americas, we have space. Lots and lots of land and fairly big countries.

In Europe they have lots and lots of recorded history that's widely taught in English-speaking schools.

In Asia and Africa they have both land and history, but it isn't taught in English schools.

Quick Editing Tip:

Read the chapter out loud and see where you stumble.

Reading it aloud slows you down and makes you see the words on the page. It's a great, cheap way to find missing words and bad phrases.

I told me family there is a new family rule: No Cave Diving In Icebergs

Two of my kids have reported that they don't need this rule.

Two are mad they didn't think of it before I made the rule.

My youngest sister sent me a video of her cackling and told me I can't make the rules.

This is why the universe nerfed my family.

Dried cranberries, dried mango cut up, walnuts, and dark chocolate chips are an excellent trail mix to have on my desk while I work. Highly recommended.

Okay... I need to do actual Adult People Things like pay the bills and answer work emails. I was born to consume fiction not do accounting.

Theydies and Gentlefriends,

Please remember we are not wearing the expectations and demands of other people any more. That's not in style.

We are dressing to make ourselves happy. The haters can choke on your Jimmy Choos.



Finished . Loved it. Would have loved 15 more minutes of the ending and watching people react to the big reveals (hi! the random beggar your family took in is now emperor!), but very good all around. Very cathartic.

Starting the day with so I can finish the last two episodes and not be distracted later. This is honestly why I prefer books. I could have read this whole store in a couple of hours. Watching it for 40 episodes, even at only 40 minutes per episode, is a lot of time.

My desire to finish is currently at war with my need to sleep so I can be a functional human being before 7am.

and Fans!

I need more recs for happy, found family, make-you-smile-and-warm-your-heart type of dramas. I don't mind murder and chaos as long as my people have a happy ending. Recent likes have been , , I also liked & .

It has been many years since I hated an emperor as much as the one in . It's not like he's a cackling evil man. He's just petty, cruel, and obsessed with being correct. Whatever tiny idea pops up in his head, he runs with it. Throw the whole man out.

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Liana Brooks

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.