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I literally just called someone here in Korea who went, "Oh! I know your name! You worked with [my friend] when you were in Alaska!"

It's a really small world.

You can answer my emails, or I can call. Yes. That is a threat.

I realize most people do not like cold calling people or phone calls in general. I don't care. I used to be a news reporter. I cold called people as my main source of information. I'm comfortable talking to strangers.

"Why don't you talk about your non-writing work more?"

1) this is the internet and I have confidentiality agreements in play

2) if you're in my industry, you already know what I do because you saw my posts and went "that sounds like [job]"

A UK friend asked me to explain ranch dressing to her and...

*giggles maniacally*


All you need to know is it's tasty. You don't need to know what's in it.

“ A top Hamas political official told The Associated Press the Islamic militant group is willing to agree to a truce of five years or more with Israel and that it would lay down its weapons and convert into a political party if an independent Palestinian state is established along pre-1967 borders.”

Email: You have over 1000 emails!

Me: It was under 800 this morning.

Email: And now it's not.

Me: :/

Email: :D ... would you like to pay for extra storage space?

If your workers can't afford the co-pay for the healthcare your company's insurance allows, your company does not provide health coverage.

"How could they be protesting? This is America!"

*stares in I Took History Classes*

Are you a Russian bot? Did you sleep through 12 years of mandatory schooling? Do you know why it's the USA and not England?

The opposite of Peaceful Protest is not Silence, it's Violent Protest. If Republicans don't like one, I'm sure the French can lend us something to help with the other.

So, university students aren't American citizens and don't have the right to peaceful assembly or protest? Is that what I'm hearing?

Japanese Co-worker: You spelled this name wrong. There's no vowels in it.

Me: ... okay... Let me explain Welsh to you... Sometimes, when English steals from other languages, W is a vowel.

JCW: *horrified looks from everyone in the room*

School: Will your child still have ADHD/Dyslexia/APD next year?

Me: "The ADHD, dyslexia, and Auditory Processing are, alas, not conditions one can age out of or outgrow, so, yes, they will still be part of [student's] medical record for the coming year."

It's after 10pm and someone just tagged me in something titled "Urgent: Transportation Matrix".

*stares into the void*

*turns off computer*

*leaps into void*

Me: We don't need to worry about that! It's not until May 3rd!

Co-Worker: That's next Friday.

Me: No, because... wait... isn't it March???

CW: It's April.

Me: *dread intensifies*

A fourth country has entered the work chat...

*silently screaming*

Thank you to the younger generations who every day remind Millennials it isn't 2002 any more. Every time I see a note about Millennial ages I take a sip of water and make sure my face and hands have lotion.

At this rate I'm fixin' to hit 60 looking like I'm 35.

Dialect is for a region.

Familect is for a family.

Idiolect is for a single person.

Would state-specific language be a regional dialect or an ethnolect? Because there are words hyper-specific to Alaska and I'm not sure what they'd be considered. They aren't the whole region (Alaska and Yukon).

Someone on the internet told me not to post anything online I wouldn't shout into a crowd and I started cackling so hard the kids checked on me.

Y'all, let's be real. I have no filters. You know this. Don't make me have to pretend to be normal. I can't.

I know several languages well enough to read in them.

Japanese is not one of my languages.

Guess what language I get to work with today?


I should have watched more anime.

I have, roughly, 70 emails to conquer this morning so I can finish the part of the big project due by Friday. Then I need to upload it all. Fun times. >.<

Wish me luck!

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Liana Brooks

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.