@UmbaSaffire My kind of pizza there! Looks delicious! Love the cauliflower crust.

@LexVol hello Chris - haven't seen you in a while - hope you are doing well. Yes, the crust - have you tried it? it was so much better than I imagined - especially the texture.


@UmbaSaffire Hey TJ, I'm fine, dealing with a cold or possible sinus infection. I have to take a social media break every now and then just to clear my head. Yes, I have been a fan of the cauliflower crust for a long time. It has less calories and carbs and adds a bit of it's own flavor.

yes it does - it was very good - hope you have a happy Thursday Chris - mine is pretty busy - hear you about social media, find it important to take breaks too ☀️ 😊

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