
Checked the bird site
earlier this morning and rigged was trending. Seriously, WTH is wrong with those people?

It's awful over there now. I still have my account, and I look every now and then, but it's nothing but lies and BS anymore. And all that's ever on my TL is stuff from Boebert and Greene and other nut jobs.

@Susan21Marie I just keep it for my Tennessee Vols and have gotten rid of pretty much all red. OMG, Boebart and Greene...I can't even.

And Musk. I can't state it as fact, but I think he has it fixed so his tweets show up on EVERYONE's TL! He made a remark a bit ago, that if you don't like his tweets on your TL, you can just basically leave. He's a narcissist and an a-hole to the Nth degree!

@Susan21Marie I haven't noticed but that would not surprise me at all. Now that college football season is winding down, I'll be spending very little time there. They are all narcissists, LOL!

I really enjoyed it when I first joined. Now it seems like all I feel when I do pop in is annoyance. It's so much nicer here!

@Susan21Marie 100% agree! This place feels like that now (how twitter used to be) and I hope it stays this way and doesn't go in a different direction like twitter, I don't think it will but who knows.

Hopefully they uphold their "no trolls" pledge. That's the thing I worry about the most. There's no need for people to be tearing each other apart!

@Susan21Marie yep, there is enough of that out there in the real world, we need a little place to escape for sanity purposes


It seems that "rigged" is a euphemism for black people and others they don't like having the termerity to exercise their right to vote.

@SharonGibson3 or be in position of power yet saying Walker was a better man than Warnock...WTH? Oh yeah, better for them because he would be a yes man. UGH!

I once asked my husband why TFG seemed obsessed with Philadelphia.

I didn't know one way or the other Philly's demographic makeup, but Michael said it was because there's a large African American community there.

That would make sense for someone like Trump to complain something is suspect about people casting their ballots.

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