@CdnFreethinker man, you’re hittin’ the 80’s tonight! Spotify had the 80s as their ThrowbackThursday playlist last week, I listened all day. Took me back to my high school days.
@CdnFreethinker I have to say they made good slow jams back then, can’t say the same for today’s music.
@LexVol indeed they did. They hold up incredibly well today too. Not sure if I truly appreciated it all back then, but compared to what comes out today, I definitely do.
@CdnFreethinker that’s exactly how I feel! You don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone. I’ve got to sign off for the night, pleasure chatting my friend. Enjoy the rest of your evening.
@LexVol you as well! Cheers.
@LexVol it's the Monday night mood for me! 😉