
Umm . . . I don't pop in here nearly as much I should, but this is definitely the first time in 5 years of CoSo I've seen people ginning up attacks on others and on J with racisim accusations.

That's very out of place here.


Unfortunately, there is a massive influx of folks from the bird farm and many of them seem to think they're going to do things here as they did there, complete with racist, misogynistic anti-LGBTQ nonsense and then some. Many of us here have been busy filtering these people out, muting, blocking, and reporting as needed, but as the Georgia trials get closer, it's going to get worse, I fear. We need to stay vigilant.

@XaoslordErie Just saw J note that there is some group of people calling him racist. That's untrue and uncool.


Most of that rubbish got its' start elsewhere and migrated here, where J made it clear he was not putting up with nonsense from anybody. I have seen people there (I do follow him there) drag him through mud when they come here and discover they don't get to have their way and they're gonna get called on their nonsense. They then go back there and bad-mouth him all over the place with wild accusations. Some of what I've seen there is insane.

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