Those of us that talk politics are asked to use the hashtag . Could people talking about religion do the same courtesy and use a hashtag like , so that those who are interested can find you and talk that topic with you, and those of us that really don't want to hear about it can filter it out?

@LauraLyon451 I like this idea in principle, but to clarify, does that include agnosticism, atheism, pantheism, or spirituality, or is it meant to be that “going to church or temple or mosque for a religious service” type religion?
Also, if I offer “Light on the path ahead,” would it then be appropriate to (#)religion for that spiritual statement?
I would genuinely appreciate clarification so that I can join with you on this. I’m just a little confused about what fits under that umbrella.


@ATXJane Just my opinion, but I think any post that is covering any of those topics is either covered by or something similar like etc. Seriously, we all just post stuff, but if you are really focusing on a topical discussion - just use some hash tags.

@LauraLyon451 Sounds like the underlying principle is if one is going on about a topic, label the topic with an appropriate hashtag. Got no problem with that. More hashtags refine any user’s ability to sieve through what info they want in front of themselves.

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