
Is anyone back to talking to maga relatives, or even friends? Anyone whose once strong relationship was strained by 2016-2021.

Just curious how time and whatever else has helped.

Ill throw on this just in case. Figure people filter it to filter the noise.

Follow up: if no, was either side rude to the other specifically or was it just an "I can't talk to you right now/any more" thing?

Either way, I'm sorry it happened and I hope that even if you're okay with life without them, things find a way to recuperate. It can be a tall order, but I don't like to lose faith when it comes to a political division. And I say this as someone who has family I will likely never speak to again over an inheritance dispute.

@L_D_G 2 years and still ongoing .....they don't move their stance and neither do I

Unfortunately, my MAGA relatives are intransigently MAGA. I am also intransigently liberal, so - no.

@L_D_G Haven't spoken to them in years. I hope they're happy, but they can do that as far away from me as possible. To keep the peace I try really hard to keep my mouth shut when my Trumpy BIL runs his mouth. We don't rub elbows much. He became a traveling nurse down south to avoid the Covid vax mandates here in the north. We'll see him a couple times a year at this point. Can always tell when he's talked to MIL tho, she'll spout the dumbest crap. Always have to correct her after a chat w/BIL.

@Tarnagh oh I'm bad. I drill deeper. See what lunacy I can think up that they'll agree to. For me, it just gets so ridiculous that I laugh and can't take it seriously.


The Christmas he tried getting us all to believe Michelle Obama is trans was when I tapped out of that game. I don't take him seriously but I can't stand to hear him talk either.

@Tarnagh hahahaha that's a new one!

In all fairness my drilling deeper is usually over emails, like you mentioned about correcting over chat. If people I know want to spout it in public, I'm either in the minority or they're making a fool of themselves in public. They may not care, but I'm not contributing either way.

Public usually doesn't happen with family though, mostly folks at work. Family may happen on weekly visits, but that's why those last only maybe 4 hours.


One of my MIL's more recent rants was about how "we're handing everything to illegals for free and we've got homeless vets on the streets! We should take care of our own first!!"

I was like

@Tarnagh to be fair, that is pre maga republican material....but well done! Have to just let it pass. Pretend that they're goading you (50/50 they are) and don't let them win.

Reward yourself with a stiff drink after.


Yep. Sometimes, that's all you can do.

I know MIL isn't goading me. She doesn't have a duplicitous bone in her body. She's awful susceptible to his BS though.

Once a person reveals to me what a pos they are I am DONE. Blood doesn't matter. I don't want any part of it.

@IrisDallen so is this a political difference in general or something about maga specifically that tipped the scales? Being a POS can be a pretty broad definition and doesn't even have to have a political motivation.

@L_D_G Yes. But in the case of my family, it's mostly a matter of dysfunction. A pos IMO isn't dependent on politics alone.

@IrisDallen so I'm reading that family was already out and maga may have just added to it?

@L_D_G such a good question. Brings this article to mind: essentially, German cult counselors say that isolation makes conspiracy theorists worse, and maintaining connection is vital for making them less crazy.

@CarmenSlamdiego rabbit holes.

Where once people needed to walk away to go to work and life would divert attention over the day, that no longer played a factor. Objectively, it goes to show either a lack of critical thinking (or believing everything read without skepticism) or that the truth needed to be dug for.

I'm thinking a little bit of both.

Great article about counciling people though. Talking through things does wonders...and less scrolling will always be beneficial.

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