@Eviestorm I loved Footroot Flats as a kid
Unlike elsewhere, CounterSocial isn't big on drama. If you see anyone who you consider to be disagreeable, you are encouraged to quietly make them disappear. You have three options:
1. Block. This person disappears, and they can't see you.
2. Mute. This person disappears, but they can still see you.
3. Soft Mute. This person disappears until they mention you.
People are like flavors. You won't like them all, and they won't all like you. Skip the drama. Use the tools. #CoSoTips
@th3j35t3r bloody epic
@Sassypants0210 he’s do a better job
@eliredman yes!! Ok so the song knights in white satin - when I was a kid and honestly still now, I thought this was the greatest love song of all time. I’m going to listen to it
https://youtu.be/_5ZV1I8FMAM Today's #weather from #DavidLynch If you've not experienced a Friday report from David, you are in for a real treat.
@eliredman eeeeek are we prepping for weekend projects??? I love this man
@Irishroze @Heucuva8 @Mandypar fellow sweary person here. Sounds like this person sucks.
@superdre check 1,2
@Mihaela happy birthday bb!
@spacesloth I have tonnes to do today and this will help. Ta.
@Big_Bull_47 that’s a good call actually. And I thought there was nothing to like about him.
@sagastaki GKG
@Cesaahr same here
@Cesaahr it's awesome isnt it?
@theunabeefer not sure yet! It's the same creators eeeeee
Many years ago my avatar was a meme of a cat kicking a dog. KFP was born and the handle stuck.
Hi I’m Susan - GenX tech person and music fan.