I'm off work this week - [real talk, I needed mental health break because I was so stressed out and I am lucky to work for an org with unlimited time off] - so I am doing relaxing things and wearing sweat pants and drinking lots of coffee.
@Kungfupussy Good for you, stress kills either fast or slowly, and you'll be a better employee for taking a breather. Enjoy!
Also, your name just cracks me up!😂
@Superstitionsee <3 thank you !! It's funny because I've met so many people in real life who know me by my handle and not my actual name and they don't want to say it so my IRL nickname became KFP. :)
@Kungfupussy Yeah, I could see where it would be kind of hard to call you by 'name' in front of your family or workforce.😄 😂
@Superstitionsee totally! The pussy part refers to being a wimp not the lady parts so it’s always made me laugh when people misunderstand
@Kungfupussy Good for you Susan...Its needed sometimes...I'm doing the same today just for one day...still in my jammies...lol
@BusyOntGuy Go us! It's getting close to the end of the year so we're all a bit tired I think
What am I going to actually do? 100% the game I am playing because why not.