0:00:27:07 ESC-D stage separates from JWST Altitude 1391 KM 5 Minutes until Solar panel Deploy. Congrats and on a successful launch is on its way to L2 and SCIENCE!

So... now what? will have a small burn in about 12 hours, and then deploy its high gain antenna. over the next 29 days the Telescope will unfold, deploy, and cool down as it makes it journey of 1300000 KM away from the sun, away from earth and arrive to "orbit" the L2 point

And the best thing EVER. a live infographic of the as it takes it's journey. it will even include temperatures of the craft and where it is in both space, and stages of deployment

completed a 65 minute planned Mid Course Correction Burn 1a (MCC1a) from 0050 to 0155 UTC of around 14ms to 22ms (need confirmation), this is the most critical MCC burn out of 3

everything is nominal. Over the next day the High gain antenna will deploy allowing for higher data transmission rate

SCHWING! team just deployed the gimbaled antenna assembly, which includes Webb’s high-data-rate dish antenna. This antenna will be used to send at least 28.6 Gbytes of of hot alien porn Twice a day

@Kinnison Ooops... didn't catch it. so excited about it...

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