Listening to music while cleaning, Flowers by Mylie Cyrus came on. It's been 20 years since my divorce and I thought I'd healed but really hearing the lyrics I realized I had not.

The lyrics that hit me, "I can love me better than you can." And I've remained single because I haven't found anyone who can love me better than myself. Yet. 💜 ✊ Obviously, I'm slow 😂 but ✔️ lesson learned

I can relate. A resolution to always remember the value in self love and it’s importance relative to those who don’t see or appreciate it. You’ve always struck me as one who knows and has stood firm to your truth. I’ve admired that in you.


@CherNohio 💜 Thank you, Cher, for seeing in me what I couldn't see for myself. It's helpful when friends point out in the mirror what we have overlooked. I appreciate you. 🤗❤️

@Kilikazen 💜 You’ve proven to yourself through strength and courage over and over. That my friend is a gold standard for self love of which you can be proud.

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