Good Morning CoSoians!

Goal for the day:

Dig out mailbox and walkway so I can receive mail and Amazon deliveries. Plow drivers here suck. I'm not even going to try to unblock the driveway 😏 (No, the university maintenance crew didn't use their cool equipment on the sidewalk. Yet 🤞)

Anyone else get a lot of snow?


Good morning! Just a little snow (or perhaps graupel as we've been told by our weather service) blanketed the Sierra foothills yesterday morning and was gone by afternoon.

California has some new kind of winter atmospheric river going on through tomorrow, and Southern California got blizzard warnings! 🙃


@peeppeepcircus I'm a 6th generation Californian with roots from some of the first farmers in Santa Clara. I don't know all of the stories but I think I'd remember snow. Lol

Blizzard warning? Damn, I need to pay closer attention to the news. I remember one when we went skiing at Big Bear, my dad and brothers (plus family friends) had to crawl out of the second story to shovel us out.

Hope your plants didn't die from this! OMG, the orchards and vineyards 😱 have you heard if they're ok?


i'm surrounded by orchards in the central valley and have my own fruit trees. generally, some people cover the citrus trees for winter, but some don't. some of my stone fruit trees started blossoming before this new storm hit, & I'm not sure what's next because the predictions keep changing. The growing seasons have been confusing plants the last couple yrs.

I post most of my CA weather stuff here w/ hashtags like:

Saw a "sanbernardinoblizzard" hashtag too!

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