It’s been a nice productive weekend and now the damn Packers are going to ruin my vibe tomorrow night because I care again.

@KelKel Big fan of the team, but not of Rodgers since he used his big mouth to lie & spread falsehoods about Covid vaxxing.

He has really gotten full of himself. Not even going to training camp, working with the new players - getting to know them- working with them.


@Gladari I have a lot of issues with him personally. It’s been a struggle to separate that from my respect for him as a talented athlete. Either way, I’m a Packer fan through and through!

@KelKel Absolutely! In any business there are those undoubtedly talented. If it happens that they get full of themselves & think they are experts in other ways (we saw AR be a rocket scientist - Mark Kelly - on Jeopardy!), they can lose track of their real audience, us, the Packer fans. IMO same thing happened massively to Elon Musk - an excellent engineer who fancied himself a businessman!

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