@ordenauta It may be a symptom of depression. This week has been pretty damned depressing for me.
@MakerWerks sorry you feel like that; in my case well, maybe, but I've felt like that weeks before the election, there are other factors in play (I've been like this for ages actually)
@ordenauta @MakerWerks
Might be time for your doctor to do blood work to see what's going on.
So many times feeling tired is written off as depression. True depression creates a specific chemical imbalance in your brain.
"I feel tired" can be anemia, low potassium , or even cancer - but each of those have a specific type of being tired.
Blood work can sort that out.
Hope you feel better soon.
@KathMcGill @MakerWerks thanks for your advice, yes, it can be related to so many things and hopefully is just a minor one