Why do some #ChristianNationalists urge women to have so many babies? Here a little thread drawing from an article I co-wrote: "The fundamental way that Quiverfull families aim to fight back on what they see as an encroaching secular state is by out populating those with a different view of the state. Part One
@Demlyn I haven't done that in a while. It's probably time
@AltYellostoneNatPar Thank you
Bad day so time for random music videos and my doodles that look like they were done by a demented 7-year-old https://youtu.be/SzChRUFBSo0
@Madken65 And so many of them belong to the same powerful megachurches
@theooooh That crazy boy is obsessed with witches.
@amarand Time for first cup of tea and staring vacantly into space
@DevinCow Are there people who do?
I'm kind of obsessed with Amber Gray's singing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6EXh5Yx1u_g
@Autumn I came back to the computer and had no idea why everyone in the meeting was laughing until someone sent me the picture. She had already wandered off
@mmpadellan I'm so glad I can follow you over here!
Global Security prof- On an ADHD journey - I do terrible doodles during meetings and inflict them on others .