Why do some #ChristianNationalists urge women to have so many babies? Here a little thread drawing from an article I co-wrote: "The fundamental way that Quiverfull families aim to fight back on what they see as an encroaching secular state is by out populating those with a different view of the state. Part One
Part 2 "As David Crank, the publisher of Unless the Lord magazine, notes in his blog:
'The population bust creates a very real opportunity for segments of the population willing to move counter to this trend. As American Christians, most of us would like to see our society and government change in many ways.' The way to do this, he continues is to raise children in a way that will impact the culture.
Part 4 This may seem to be a very long-term strategy; however, this further demonstrates the seriousness they place on challenging state control.
Brannum and Drumhiller https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tzU3ychcCL0YwKUSJ-T_S36lKxgdfSk3/view
@singlemaltgirl Thnks! I'll try not to be an a$$hole; sometimes it just happens spontaneously though. 😀