I just talked to my wife about no longer hosting family holiday dinners. They are all RW and should just keep themselves to their selves. They are not maga but what's the difference.
We are just assuming about her brother and his children but it seems likely. My nephew is a prison guard, my niece is a parole officer and they all live in the western half of KS.
My wife filled out the ballot for her mom who can't see. I told her she should have shredded it.
Oh, okay! From what you are describing though, it sounds like they are supporters.
As for your wife assisting her mom with filling out the ballot, I understand how you feel. But she respected her mother's wishes as difficult as it might have been! Tough situation for sure.
That is wonderful that you are both on the same page. I am giving my husband grace when it comes to his family. His brother is 78 and has ALS, his one niece is very sick with an auto immune disease and his other niece has stage 4 breast cancer. So I would never begrudge him from seeing them. But he respects my decision to not be in their company. I have no regrets about my decision either. I just can't be around such toxicity.