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My Big Fat Weight Loss Campaign, Part 1: How It Began

I gave up on losing weight a long time ago. I have all my life found the subject of my weight a huge embarrassment. I was not fat as a child, but I was plump, and bullies discovered early on that they could make me miserable by singing “Fatty Fatty Two-By-Four” on every occasion... Read more at

Greg Abbott isn't content to just drown and maim helpless people, he also managed to completely ruin a small town's attempt at a festival.

The Vermont State Senate is now considering a bill to establish a "climate superfund" to combat polluters and pollution.

Israel just killed seven aid workers with World Central Kitchen, which has suspended its Gaza operations as a result.

If you are upset by the cruel and unnecessary roundups, killings, and sale of America’s wild horses, please sign this petition.

To determine the mental age and civil demeanor of Republicans, look no further than their behavior at this OFFICIAL party event.

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KD Keenan

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.