Basically, this is what happened to Red Lobster. It wasn't the endless shrimp.

Dr. George Lakoff is a neurolinguistic scientist who wrote, "Don't Think About an Elephant," a book about how Republicans have used language and propaganda to steer this country into authoritarianism. I highly recommend the book--it answers a lot of questions.

All Bannon had to do to avoid going to jail was show up for a hearing and say nothing. He refused to do that, so he's going to jail--but according to him, it's a massive left-wing conspiracy. Sure it is, Steve. Sure it is.

After torturing the Sandy Hook families for years, Alex Jones was ordered to pay restitution (not hat anything could make up for the horrors he put them through). He has thus far refused to pay anything, but the courts are ending all that, and Alex is big sad.

This should never have happened in the first place, but at least now it's been corrected.

This doesn't surprise me. The NYT has gone from being a bastion of journalistic excellence to something closer to the National Enquirer.

So it turns out that a lot of guns used in crimes came from the police.

I doubt Trump will do this. He can't say anything coherent at this point. He'd look like a moron. but maybe that's why he WILL do it--he's a moron.

Apparently, NYT correspondent Maggie Haberman has been a mouthpiece for Trump from the beginning, writing what she's told without question. The New York Times' reputation is about as low as it can go. Haberman is hardly the first tool of the right.

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KD Keenan

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