
F*uck CNN. A survey of 1,279 does not reflect "majority of the US" in any way shape or form.


@Jule_B I agree Jule Fuck Putin and the RepubliCONS News station! If Ukraine don’t push Russia out and fall, Poland is next! The prob with RepubliCONS (Putins Whores) they never seen or read what Hitler did, (he should have been stopped when he started) there is no diff btwn Putin and Hitler! (Or RepubliCONS for that matter)

@Jule_B a poll of people I know indicates 100% support sooo. Demographic of who answers polls these days is pretty questionable.

@Jule_B Let's see -- 334million population, 1,200 surveyed = one person surveyed out of every 278,333.

Hmmm. Ok, CNN.



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