@ProjectShadow except that bill was last-minute Larry bullshit. I’m tired of making excuses for the Democrats too.
@ecksmc that is true , and it is dangerous .
Hey Algorithm...
Connect me, too.
Connect me with the ones who let life's challenges soften them rather than harden them.
We are the ones who carry the grief of centuries... but still find beauty. We can be honest without being cruel because we know that truth can heal as much as it can hurt.
We see progress as love in action... a path lit by respect...not by fear or dominance.
@DavidSalo If people are going to be this stupid, then perhaps a bit of a superiority complex and a touch of intellectual-elitist authoritarianism are in order.
I mean, if people disliked both candidates and knew what they were doing, they at bare minimum would've given
the legislative branch (Senate/House) to a different party than the Presidency to deadlock the government and minimize how much harm can be done...
Harris recieved 17 MILLION fewer votes than Biden did in 2020, while Trump received 5 million less.
This should've been a fucking cakewalk, but no.
God. Fucking. Damn it.
Hope the fucking slackers that didn't vote and allowed this to happen ( that goes for you fucking MAGAts that voted for Dickface ) are proud of yourselves, because you've just fucked us all.
@MidnightRider yep !! I hope so too .
@CinnamonGirlE everyone is stunned, I’m in other platforms too and it is the same reaction, it sucks.
@CinnamonGirlE non of us can believe it. .
@MidnightRider @DarksideStraxus if Garland had acted properly , he is a coward.
@DarksideStraxus Always remember none of this would’ve happened if our government functioned right and punished him. Now I hope he burns Washington down. The Christians and wingers want wreck it Ralph the raping felon? Fine.
@damselfly59 @VelvetDuchess don’t get it twisted, this will be the last feee and fair election we ever have.
@AskTheDevil you too !!! Talk to you later!!
@Redskye572 I want to hear the explanations tomorrow, actually today , they said it was a done deal .
@singlemaltgirl I pray for that too , and amen !!
okay peeps. it's time for thoughts & prayers.
fucking pray & think deep thoughts of this motherfucker falling off his plane steps & cracking his skull open. or having a massive heart attack from his fat & processed food diet. or, i don't know, an alligator fucking eats him on his golf course in florida.
i mean, those thoughts & prayers can't really hurt at this point in time.
and if you think i'm a bad bad person, yes i am. & i'm still better than him.
Never Trump