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@SuziqLeathers Tubberville, the pied piper of the completely ignorant. Have mercy on us all

@SuziqLeathers Man it’s like these racist homophobic assholes know their end is coming!

@th3j35t3r @phase2 @thedisasterautist @Priestess
If I clear my cookies and log back in I sometimes get the screen at 250% zoom and have to reset it. After that I am good. This is on Edge.

@LiberalLibrarian I delivered them by the truckload in the mid 80’s


Love this!

Our daughter, who is non-binary, when to the Cleveland Pride event last Saturday and flew to Boston this morning to go to their event this coming Saturday. This 19 year-old has come a long way!!! Love them to pieces! 🌈

Post your favorite guitar players. One a day for 20 days. Not a ranking, just guitarists that you love.

Day 15
Ryland Peter Cooder

If Trump has been found guilty of “stealing” the 2016 election, how can we, as a republic, accept his SCOTUS picks? They are as invalid as his election. Expand the court to make this stain on our land moot.

Just went Pro. Don't want this space to disappear!

@Graci He looks like an evil bastard...all in the name of Jesus Christ.

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John Ripley

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.