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As a cancer survivor and the spouse of a cancer survivor, I would not wish this horrible disease on my worst enemy. I hope the Duchess comes through this.

Hey, lets all give the spammer a break. According to his bio "I love USA"

:trollsplat: :trollsplat: :trollsplat: :trollsplat: :trollsplat:

@MeditatorMom I rarely get to see it in action. This guy has no idea what is coming or how many posts are about him!

@ReneeVoiceBrand I have a 2 album live recording and the Machine Gun and Hear My Train A-Comin are absolutely stellar. Hoping to hear both tonight!

Going to see a Jimi Hendrix tribute tonight and I cannot wait!

@BenA I put my foot down on clarinet recitals. Be gone Satan!

The GOP we don't know what it is. Show more

@TheCard Always shows where I live after my birthday in early April!

@CinnamonGirlE A wonderful pop psychedelic album! One of the first I owned. Freshman year of high school!

@LlamaMountainStudioArts Please don't dominate the rap jack, if you got nothin' new to say!

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John Ripley

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.