@TwiHusband Boy do I wish I was still on Twitter to see her lose her shit and laugh , this isn't going to end well , she's what me and my friends call "dead cat stapled to your door crazy"!!
@Tattoomonkey29 Still haven't seen verification yet.
There’s no way she’ll meekly disappear. That wacko will go into hardcore offense and destroy everything.
Can’t wait.
@QueenOfEverything @TwiHusband @Tattoomonkey29 Glamorous?
@QueenOfEverything @John_Ripley @TwiHusband @Tattoomonkey29
there's nothing glamorous about a nazi parasite 🇺🇸
@TwiHusband @John_Ripley @Tattoomonkey29
They deserve each other... not just for their looks- but the total absence of conscience & souls make them a perfect match.
@John_Ripley @TwiHusband @Tattoomonkey29
Again, "glamorous" would never be the word I'd use when describing a vicious, skank whore who's crazy.