
As the new year approaches, I am sick to death with what Israel is doing to the civilians in Gaza. I hate the fact that Donald Trump is still supported by so many in this country. I hate the republican party will not support Ukraine. We are moving backwards as a race, and it sucks! Don't have a lot of hope for our species...

@John_Ripley I agree with you. Here's what gives me some hope. Winston Churchill said (paraphrased) "Americans always do the right thing after they've tried everything else." I think we're trying everything else right now.

@CJShaneArtBooks He is long dead. The United States seems to be destined to go headlong into fascism with the trump family. Our courts, for the most part, don't have the balls to actually protect our democracy. Late-stage capitalism fucking sucks and I am scared to death for my children and grandchildren.

@John_Ripley Add to that the climate crisis. And yet...
I have hope. We've found our way out of a hole before. Maybe we'll do it again.

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