@dauphin87 hold the hope. 💙
@dauphin87 we won't.
@Jorro my brain keeps going back to all the posts and memes about how he hadn't suicided. Guessing they were all correct.
Spawn will be at her rally in PA on Monday. So stinking proud and jelly as hell. 💙
#MadamPresident #HarrisWalz
@Tacitus_Kilgore @Kaysymmetry huzzah for your support.
@Treebugz rebublican is perfect. Naturally, she gets first rights of refusal. We are a mess.
@jasod I have not. Thank you for the new rec. Have I shared this one with you yet?? How was Samhain? 🖤🍁🍂
my mom just keeps saying, "#Rapists get to choose the mother of their children now.” and that one sentence alone is enough for me to be Pro-Choice.
@ToruOkada 30 is my standard fare until I start down the rabbit holes.
@MichaelTalon that explains it. Required ice dragons at all birthday parties, large and small.
@MichaelTalon you're stronger than I. 😁