Danielle Dulsky
This full moon sings an old song, an autumn dirge mourning the brighter hours and reminding us to see the strangest beauty in the night. Here, we tend the ancestral altars well, as the chill winds sting our wiser dreams alive. Every windowsill holds a candle lit for a passing ghost. Every evening invites a story be told slowly, whispered tales of bone-women, breadcrumbs, and fallen kings. The cookpots bubble, promising a supper that feeds the hungry soul...
@Knitpurrl @northernbassist perfect for those rainy days while grocery shopping
@NorthernInvader 😁 huzzah
@Knitpurrl awwww! Toe beans! ❤️
Ian Smith
The reason that speaking out is so important is that it lowers the perceived risk of those people who are still silent but have something to say. Your courage matters. It makes the waters warmer. Your words matter. They assure others they are not alone and encourage them to speak. Every voice is a key to unlocking another's.
@northernbassist I like lawyery lol
@Knitpurrl It's incessant, isn't it?