@Jezibaba it's a rite of passage and a huge learning lesson. It's why I don't wear makeup often 😂 it was baaaaaaddd

@Susandoyle there was an iridescent purple eyeliner that came out and quickly replaced the blue. I never looked back.

@Susandoyle oh yeah. Cat's eye all the way. We used to burn eyeliner to make it black.

@Jezibaba yeah tried the burn and wear technique, ended up looking like I was attacked with a magic marker. I grew up with male wolves lol

@Susandoyle I remember one time we used markers! In art class. 😁

@Jezibaba nail polish was just for runs in pantyhose or magic marker if the hose were black

@Susandoyle I bit my nails all thru school. Polish wasn't until I hit corporate. I had forgotten about runners. Snort

@PurpleDragon we never mixed green with blue. I don't know why. 😄

@Jezibaba "Blue and green must ne'er be seen, except for in an Irish Queen." - People

"Hmm. Let's put this beautiful green tree in front of this glorious blue sky." - God


@Jezibaba That's probably something we mere men and our feeble Y chromosomes are not entitled to know! @PurpleDragon

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