Giving things away brings blessings way more special than money.

I met a new friend today. She came to take some of my herbs, and brought me this gift. She made it. It’s a moon with an amethyst hanging from it. And when she learned that I was going to release the rest of my herbs (after I set aside what I would take) to the land, she said she would take the rest if that’s what I would be doing. She didn’t want to take too much. ❤️

Our whole exchange reminded me of this:

I love the moon. She said she does, too. Loved this woman - a beautiful soul. And we met because I write a newsletter she found and it resonates with her.

We all need to be ourselves and not be afraid of what other people think. When we are real, we will meet people with whom we can find real connection. With whom we can be ourselves. I’m finding this out at 63, after feeling different my whole life.

Turns out I just never met my people. (I did meet a few soul sisters along the way.)

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