Bristlecone Pine.
These trees are the oldest living thing on earth. The information that scientists learned from studying them led to adjustment of carbon dating procedures.
The twisting of the branches on this one shows that it had a long life and it is far from over.
Near Big Pine, California

@Jezibaba the night my husband and I met, we were talking about traveling, and the White Mountains was next on both of our lists, to see the Bristlecone pines.
It was the first stop on our honeymoon 3 yrs later.

(We’ve been married 24 yrs this July)


@nopuppet_007 oh my goddess to be in their presence!! How was it? The trees I mean. 😂

@Jezibaba they’re a lesson in endurance in the face of extreme adversity. It’s why we both wanted to see them. The quality of air and light in the high desert is really striking, and they’re so beautifully gnarled.
He’s a photographer and I’m an artist of sorts, so we’re both really visual.

@nopuppet_007 thank you for sharing. An experience of a lifetime. I'm in awe.

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