
David Hogg ☮️

MSU students are not fucking around. They are going to get gun laws passed in Michigan.

@Jezibaba Michigan squeaked out a Dem majority in the legislature last November, and retained our Dem executive leaders. And we are sick and tired of this bullsh*t!! Let’s go, Michigan!

@Jezibaba , "Spartans Will." I don't know if you've seen the press conference from that next morning, but Governor Whitmer and Rep. Slotkin are going to accept and answer the challenges of changing gun laws in MI, near as I can figure.

@Jezibaba , Whitmer was visibly moved, Slotkin had some words. My local TV news usually comes out of Saginaw, WNEM, but there are probably better sources.

@LadyZurk I just watched it. I got chills. I hope they follow through. 🤞

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