🚨Breaking News: Benny Gantz, an Israeli moderate, threatened to leave Benjamin Netanyhu’s coalition government if questions on the war in Gaza weren’t answered. nyti.ms/3WTLrlw


@ps9714 sadly paywalled :(
I will look for another source that is not because this looks like good news, am happy to see people standing up to Bibi the Con

@JeniRizio Copy and paste the headline exactly into Google. You'll like what comes up.

@ps9714 I just read the AP version. Nice. I hope Bibi gets put behind bars ad charged with additional crimes - war crimes.

@JeniRizio Here's the dilemma: If Bibi calls for elections, he will get defeated and charged with pending financial crimes, and possibly, other crimes. The war in Gaza keeps him in power as long as he probably wishes. (My friends and relatives in Israel can't stand the guy.)

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