Yesterday, I found out that one of my closest friends passed away. Sterling was funny, empathetic a great father.
A gofundme has been set up to help cover his end-of-life expenses. If you cannot donate, can you please boost this post?
Thank you. I am still in shock.
I'm so sorry to hear that! Sending love for everyone concerned. 😢 ❤️
Do you have people to talk with about it? You might also consider grief counseling. Some areas have better services than others, but often there are emotional support groups with trained counselors. They can help you through things that others don't really understand.
Loss and grief are a long, cyclic process. Hang in there, take care of yourself, and do your best to keep your spirits up. ❤️
@p3R1n01D thank you. I just saw m therapist the day before I found out. Our area sucks when it comes to support groups. I did talk to a couple of friends about it. It was so sudden, such a shock. I have not had my big cry yet, I'm still processing my grief. Mostly I have been focused on distracting myself from the pain of losing him.