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Daughter 21 just got adoration from crowd of 14-15-16 yr old boys at Target who wanted her number. Told her she looks like College Barbie to them, you should go straight to the pepper spray aisle though just in case

Found big black metal hoop behind the house when we moved in. Always wanted to make something of it to hang on fence or in gazebo. Think I will tie a few knots like this

from the indictment "Luft agreed to covertly recruit and pay, on behalf of principals based in China, a former high-ranking U.S. govt official (Individual-1), including in 2016 while the official was an adviser to the then-President-elect {Trump}"

Just Mrs. Owl, surveying her domain for tonight’s dinner at the park: “Mmm, cicadas for an appetizer…. Then what…?”

We must play our lives like soldiers in the field
The life is short
I'm running faster all the time…

We’re new here but I’m assuming dog pics are always welcome. Luke: “How bout this pose? I’m going for suave here…”

Jeff (no, the other one)

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