Down On The Cubicle Farm Today:

Mr SnorkSwallow is back, sounds sick but says negative for COVID

Mr GrumpyEmphesema sounds sick as ever

I am stirring up loads of dust in a rush to get new laptop set up, using old laptop, while also cleaning off old monitors to make way for new so my space looks like IT Junkyard… with chips & salsa

The Week In Review:

WIFE: escapes retail for teaching job she is thrilled about- great for her back- mental health- & our special needs youngest

MOM: cancer seems beat back; PET scan soon

WORLD: Burning Up! OH & AMOC might well stop as soon as 2025 & kill us all

MOM IN LAW: Cancer may be back (so Wife may not teach but take care of her & keep crap retail job)

[heavy sigh]

OK, Week, ya don’t got to go all 2020 on us like THAT… sheesh.

“Those who flow as life flows know they need no other force.”
Lao Tzu

Ella did her morning walk, romped in wet grass, got toweled off, did zoomies, got breakfast and now like me is all ready for the dayzzzzzz…

Popular Information today:

“ Luft also alleged "that Hunter had an FBI mole named 'One Eye' who had tipped off his CEFC business partners... that they were under investigation." Luft said that he shared this information with the FBI in 2019.”


Sadie & Luke: “Dad. Stop & smell the roses, Dad. Just please don’t sing it too, we’re begging you…”

Found big black metal hoop behind the house when we moved in. Always wanted to make something of it to hang on fence or in gazebo. Think I will tie a few knots like this

Just Mrs. Owl, surveying her domain for tonight’s dinner at the park: “Mmm, cicadas for an appetizer…. Then what…?”

We’re new here but I’m assuming dog pics are always welcome. Luke: “How bout this pose? I’m going for suave here…”

Jeff (no, the other one)

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