
Donald Trump's lawyer says, "President Trump" is present.

Judge Upadhyaya says, "Good afternoon, Mr. Trump."

Judge Upadhyaya informed Trump that if he violates the conditions of his release, an arrest warrant can be issued for him and he could be detained (a normal part of arraignments)

@jenebene you know it, I know it, we all know it 😂


@Jezibaba @jenebene
$5 says the social media attacks begin before 7pm Eastern tonight, followed by another campaign rant attacking Jack Smith & family plus all the judges in DC & families

He will dare them to lock him up

@Jeffj1111 @Jezibaba

you can count on it - and I hope they do lock him up

He definitely would deserve it

but ... do I think they will ... 🤔 ?

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