@MozEmpire I'm quietly watching the meltdown and trying to talk my friends into joining me here.
@allan1850 At least you don't have to shovel rain. Or clean it off your car.
@robcinos Actually deleted mine on Tuesday. After Twitter is gone I deleting the email account attached to it.
@allan1850 If ❄️ ❄️ it makes you feel any better it's snowing in Michigan.
CounterSocial is not automatic. It is on you to curate your experience, and we provide many tools for you to do so.
None of those tools include complaining about content that you would prefer not to see.
Set up filters for terms you'd like to omit from your feeds, and mute or block anyone that you find to be disagreeable. Better yet, try to be more discerning about how you let other people's content affect you. Simply letting it scroll on by is always an option. #CoSoTips
Would anyone be interested in a Christmas stocking if I were to sell a few to raise money for CoSo?
Shown are some that I made for my family. One pic has a tape measure in an attempt to show size.
I don't know how many I could crank out and still have enough time to get them mailed for people before Christmas, but I think I could probably do six or eight of these.
With or without ruffles/pompoms, at buyer's choice.
Okay, @jcsimonds what have you done? Downloaded a sample of The Priestess of Camelot and ended up buying the book.
Kim Rhodes is one of my heroes and a sweetheart She sings too.
@Freakwater I feel like I lose IQ points every time I see one of his posts.
@JackSprack Feel free to send me any questions you have about it. And if you're interested in the behind the scenes stuff there's a podcast called Supernatural Then & Now that's quite interesting.
@JackSprack I think you should. I've been in since October of 2005 and enjoyed every minute of the ride.
Kansas - Carry on Wayward Son
@Gillebride You're welcome.
@JackSprack Well, there's 327 episodes of Supernatural on Netflix. That should keep you busy for awhile.
Geek mom, maker of jewerly, writer of fan fiction. New transplant from the Bird app. Supernatural/Marvel/DC/Star Wars/Star Trek🌒🌕🌘 🔮⭐️🍭