Tried to off himself last night. I put him on the back of the couch, grabbed a drink, came back & as I sat down & went to grab him, he flung himself off the couch. Landed flat on his back, knocking the wind out of himself. He was turning black, gasping for air. I was panicking, thinking I was losing him, begging him not to die. It was traumatic. Thankfully, he's absolutely fine. We had a talk about not doing that shit again. My heart can't take it! So glad he's okπŸ’œ

@JeSsA oh my gosh, i'm glad he's ok! He sorta looks like he's sitting in an invisible armchair chilling out while you tell his story! πŸ˜‚


@Christmas_Snow I am too, thank you! It shook me badly last night. To the point I wasn't able to talk about it.

He would probably sit in a little armchair if I put him in one. He trusts me to the point I can do anything with him. He knows I'll keep him safe. Except when I can't, cuz he crazy lol.πŸ’œ

@JeSsA He looks relaxed enough to sit in this one! 😁
Sorry he gave you such a scare... hopefully it scared him too and he won't do it again!

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