Part of my day from hell.
"sHe'S nOT mATTeD"
Almost 4 hours. I saved her head, ears and tail, so she wasn't totally naked. Gave her a 4hour time window. Said 1pm. She came back after an hour and a half. Then again at 12:30, threw huge attitude, was ungrateful for everything and didn't tip. I'm so glad I was able to provide relief for the dog, but folks like that...not a fan. The last time she came was 5/2023 & dog was in same condition, plus fleas. Coworker had pics. Sigh.
@Brisse you're definitely not alone. Big hugs. I can tell you, a groomers job is not easy, and it doesn't get any easier having to train someone's dog for them on top of doing our job. Some dogs know how to walk all over their owners. It's just how it is common some are very very smart and pick up on those bad habits getting them what they want