@JeSsA what a little cutie, dragons are cool pets. What do you feed them?
@Tail collard greens, lettuce and zucchini from the garden, and bugs. I have a dubia roach colony and also get them wax worms, red giant mealworms, Giant mealworms, and superworms. Salads daily, and I alternate the protein sources.🙃
@Tail it’s easier, and a lot cheaper. The adult dubia’s reproduce every 30-60 days, so I alternate which protein (roach vs worm) to keep from running out of any one. The roaches never run out at this point, but they get worm greedy/spoiled and don’t always wanna eat them. I don’t feed in though. Technically they don’t *need* protein every day, so if they’re stubborn about it, I just leave them in and they eat when they get hungry. They are little dragon royalty tho. My spoiled spikies 🥰
@Tail oh sweet geebus. Ya, no thanks! I can’t do pinkies (the mice.) Technically, dragons can be fed them, but I never will. I am not a bug fan, and while I don’t particularly enjoy feeding them to the dragons, it doesn’t keep me up at night either.
@JeSsA Yeah I wouldn't really be bothered by it, and feeding dead animals is okay. Bugs are whatever, I don't kill them. Only mosquitos. They're kill-on-sight.
@Tail 💯💯💯💯! One just got me on the way home. Twice on the outside of my left elbow. Bastard!
@JeSsA I was surprised to learn that only the female mosquitos suck blood. The males are vegetarians. lol
@Tail really?! I thought the females were the large ones who didn’t bite and the males were the small bastards 😆learned something new
@JeSsA Idk if I could ever take care of a pet that ate other living things. Friend had a pet snake that he fed rats too. (Pre-dead ones that he would buy) They were frozen and I remember him trying to feed his snake but he wouldn't eat it because it was too cold, so he tried to warm it up by... microwaving it.