#news #politics #impeachment
EVERY REPUBLICAN voted FOR this garbage.. the VOTE power is in our court. 11 months, people.
#news Sorry, 'nauts! I have been busier than a nut-burying squirrel!
This is CRUNCH week for us online crafters.. and also, I am posting my annual holiday/kwaanza music videos as well.. AND trying to keep up with all the news around here!!
WOKE knows that if frumpydumpster is yowling about rigged elections when HE LOST by over 8 million VOTES!! What will he do if we do not absolutely STOMP the republican *rumpsters OUT of power everywhere in the next 12 months!! It will take ALL of us.. and everywhere..
I dedicate part of the profits from my crafts to local charities. So, do not forget to support us crafters here this holiday season.
#news #politics #Biden
Look at this. BURNS MY BEANS!! This clickbait money-greed negativism media has GOT to be ignored, people.. our lives should NOT be run by AI algorithms.
Why can't we just accept and celebrate the experienced, wisdom, seasoned, healthy president that we have and all he has accomplished in his life!
Leftovers.. Cooked potatoes. Canned chickpeas. Chopped veggies of choice. Spices of choice. mash together.
Olive Oil. Fry. EAT!!
Retired jazz musician. Active crafter of hats and tops. Blue Voter, check. Web link reader, check. Grandma, check.