It looks like the UI has changed quite a bit from when the user guide PDF was last updated. Does anyone own the guide?

@JaySinWA what do you mean own?

It may be. What can I help you with?


@Beanc I mean does someone or some group maintain the document? Things seem out of date.
The drop downs from message entry are not here anymore for example.

@JaySinWA I’m not sure. Is there anything I can help with tho?

@Beanc for starters, if I search, the search results eliminate the the text entry box. If I have started a text and then search to check if it is already covered, I don't see an easy way to get back to my text or even to get a text box back without refreshing the screen. The keyboard commands (like n - focus on the compose text area) sometimes work, but not all and not consistently.

Okay, for the first, you can click on the "x' in teh search box to eliminate search results and get back to the text box without refreshing (though it is true you can't see both at the same time).

For the latter, I'm not sure. I'm mostly on mobile and haven't run into or heard of this. Tagging in case someone else knows.

@Beanc on my web app, the clear appears to be a large greyed out O and just looked like the search magnifying glass at first. It behaves as the X you described, so thanks.

@JaySinWA I typically just click on the post icon again and the post is still sitting there, misspellings n all.
A few min ago we had a blip in service which sometimes kicks out my draft text. On a phome usually too.

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