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I continue to be impressed by this season of "True Detective."

I'm finding it difficult to understand people today.

Either that, or I am not coherent enough to BE understood.

Oh well, that's on me.

I hope you have a decent day for the most part.

I'm sure we'll get together and do this all over again soon, lol...

Any National Guardsman who openly defies their orders and joins with these MAGAts in Texas in their attempts to foment a civil war over a manufactured border crisis should be charged with treason and dealt with accordingly.

I dedicate this one to those that NEED IT...

Just as cromulent today as it was when it came out.

"Cult of Personality" - Living Colour

Dedicated to the one true obsessive love I have held hidden forever in my heart...

She knows who she is.

"Dance This Mess Around" - B-52s

Wow... that could certainly buy a LOT of ketchup and "hamberders!"

there is something about his voice that makes me think Edith Piaf was reincarnated as a Welshman.

I always loved Martin Rossiter's vocals far better than Morrissey's mere intonations...

"London Can You Wait?" - Gene

I'd like to remind everyone who resents Morrissey being such a "Seward" and fucking up their associative memories with his general prattishness, that the band Gene existed.

"Your Love, It Lies" - Gene

Some musician is playing their first gig tonight somewhere out there.


I hope they fucking nail it.

I hope the void in his soul is so great he finally implodes and takes as many of his evil goblin companions with him as possible.

Simple and tasty! The fennel added a wonderful flavor, almost like chu hou paste, very lovely.

The beef and fennel stew is bubbling away, it smells nice so far, even though I did add jalapenos to it at the last second as well... I just can't help myself...

Now I give it an hour and a half of slow simmering before I add the potatoes and carrots, a half an hour after that...

"It'll be dinnah time..."

I am going to smoke a fat joint of Lemon Cookies and Russian Cream, and then research how to incorporate a large bulb of fennel into a beef stew... wish me luck, lol!

[I've never made anything but cookies with fennel!]

I hope it's obvious that I loved and respected Dr. Hunter S. Thompson.

I would never compare myself to that giant of a man, but I am certainly having fun imagining Mr Fate, here on CoSo, as his editor... lol!

If you think I am actually suggesting tarring and feathering people, you can please go back to English Comp 101?

Lessons need to be taught.

It's not good enough that Trump simply loses.

Every one of his supporters and enablers that holds office needs to be run out of town on rails.

They should never be allowed to forget or to try and rewrite their history to downplay their traitorousness.

I'd say we should bring back tarring and feathering specifically for them [but I also know we'd fuck it up somehow, and the wrong people would wind up being hurt again in the end].


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Jason Crocker

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.