@Oma_Trisha I feel you. It was 77 here with 87% humidity. We had the AC on to dehumidify. It’s still extremely humid but down to 71.
@mel_the_author left behind as in "the rapture"? Well, that's not the only time people can be saved (from what I recollect). But... that's pretty toxic.
Her: Can I use your vacuum?
Me: Sure.
Her: The vacuum's roller brush doesn't work.
Me: Umm, let me check.
Turns on machine. Setting one (suction only for wood floor) works. Setting two (brush and suction) works.
Me: It works. You need to use the setting for the carpet.
Her: It doesn't work.
Rinse and repeat
Me: Let me do it for you.
Lesson: How to win by believing the vacuum doesn't work because there are two settings.
@WriterTaylor #writingcommunity me, but related things. Getting ARC readers, finalizing book trailers, etc.
Keep on writing!
@TheNewsOwl #News #CoSoNews #politics and I'll bet that's why a lot of Congressmen live in their offices in D.C.
@CinnamonGirlE #sobriety over 40 years clean and sober, but some days... LOL
@nursefrombirth It ain't so. There were 200 copies of the Declaration of Independence made. 26 exist today. Most are held in museum and library collections, but three are privately owned.
"There is only one copy of the engrossed and signed Declaration of Independence, in the National Archives in Washington, D.C. This copy was produced and signed several weeks after the Declaration of Independence was first published."
There's no way TFG got his hands on one of them.
@CinnamonGirlE #law I'm just happy to be home. Walked the dog. Watched out for the toxic neighbors. Counted by blessings the car wasn't damaged by getting hit by the door from one of those extended cab, extended bed trucks flung open.
Almost makes me wish I still drank.
@CinnamonGirlE #law she tried the "no speak English" routine but she spoke enough to harass infirm couples. At that point I was determined to end this. I hope they caught her (she was running up and down the aisles the last time I saw her).
Then someone ran a door into my little car in the parking lot and blamed me for the gall of having a small car. Because I'm in charge of them not being able to see, I suppose.
I finally said: I'm a retired attorney. Do you REALLY want to go there?
@CinnamonGirlE #law I live in Texas now. First time I said "No." Then I watched her hassling infirm couples. The second time I told her she was inappropriate and I was reporting her for harassment to the management.
It took me three times and she was power walking through the store annoying everyone she could contact.
When I reached a manager (after I took a video) they were chasing her through the store.
Management doesn't want this. It runs customers off.
@CinnamonGirlE #law (500 characters is too short) to finish up, think of it this way:
No one wants someone to come onto their lawn to conduct religious or secular business without permission. Nor do you want someone to come into your house and do the same thing during a party.
@CinnamonGirlE #law the parking lot of a store is private property. Doing your business on the store's property without their permission is trespassing.
Lots of people hand out fliers (without permission) on store parking lots. Always get permission from the property owner before conducting your business on private property. The store will probably say "no" and that's their right because those are their customers.
The sidewalk is a public area.
#life what is it with proselytizers? Go to the store and get the same one twice. I KNOW she's not there with permission. Not shopping. Hassling everyone (except staff). Took me three times to get a manager and say, unless the JWs have obtained permission to proselytize inside the store, you have a problem.
The gal saw me videoing her and took off running through the store. When I left there were half a dozen staff members trying to corral her.
Sidewalk is legal. Parking lot and store is not.
#Timemanagement Having taken at least 2 time management classes and still finding myself running in place, I'm going to guess I have too much to do.
Taking a break here for the first time today.
I need more coffee.
Oh, geeze, here I go again. Laters #CoSoNauts.
@jag5081 You too, JD. Nice to see you here. And it was good to see you today. I was getting concerned you might not make it.
I'm gonna go crash now.
@walterbays #ASL - the hard of hearing woman and the blind guy were quite the couple too. I learned all about the tech accommodations for the blind such as Jaws For Windows and he got to learn how to communicate with someone with a hearing deficit that gradually got worse.
Tech use among the blind and deaf/blind is also high. D/B are are huge on using iPhones interfacing with braille writers and telling them someone is at the door, etc.
Not all deaf/blind are totally deaf/blind.
@walterbays #ASL people say, oh, it happens to everyone. It's hard for you, but your brain is used to sorting sounds.
Your brain values the sound of a human voice over a barking dog. It values that voice over the sound of a car.
I lack directionality as well. One ear. You can't go into a corner and talk to me in a noisy room because I'm overwhelmed. My brain doesn't sort relevance at all.
Men's voices are easier.
@walterbays #ASL my late husband was a computer engineer/programmer. He ran large computer systems while blind using text-to-speech software.
I know techs look for tech solutions.
My iPhone can caption my phone calls (which go through a computer into my bluetooth hearing aid).
But one thing it can't do that your brain can - it can sort out all the different channels of sound. My brain values banging drums the same as the human voice.
Author, sanity specialist, Druid - journeywindrow.com journeywindrow.substack.com