@Dogofalltrees #CoSo Yes, this is incredible serious. Call the pharmacist ASAP. The cold-chain wasn't maintained somewhere so it isn't working. I don't use insulin but I do use a medication that requires a cold-chain and I know what you're talking about.
Yeah, the high BG can exhaust you and cause all kinds of damage to your body not to mention killing you if it gets too high. I assume you're doing a lot of testing, right? As in Bernstein type testing?
@Dogofalltrees #CoSo - Call immediately because if yours was not cold-chained there may be others with the same problem who don't get the same testing. Someone could die.
@J_Windrow I have a CGM, so the testing is continuous. I bought more than 1 vial, so I have the luxury to be able to change it out, fortunately. I guess I'll call them.