Yes, and in the US we still don't have the securest version of the chips because they went with the older technology.
I don't agree. They won't implement these changes because they have insurance to cover their breaches and they make so much money that they are still on the side of the tipping point where the insurance is cheaper than change.
Google Chrome to Boost User Privacy by Improving Cookies Handling Procedure
Scientists Create Beautiful Iridescent Material That Could Be Edible
(Personally, I'll wait until the "could be" thing is hashed out)
When curing a disease with gene therapy is bad business
Europeans are arguing over whether robots should have rights
I have a feeling the outcome of discussions like this may be kind of important.
NASA's Juno Mission Provides Infrared Tour of Jupiter's North Pole
@JWilliams yes. Yubi is part of the FIDO Alliance, so that's their vision also
The Columbia space shuttle first launched 37 years ago
One of the most fascinating things to me about science is how some critics complain that scientists don't know everything, and sometimes change their minds.
As though those things are bugs, not features.
I can't quite figure out if those complaints come about because people are DISAPPOINTED that there are things we don't know, or they're unhappy with the things we do.
New Model Supports Connection Between Gamma Ray Bursts and Supernovae
The Electronics Cooling System 400 Million Years in the Making
#Passwords must die. On that we’re all agreed. Amirite?
#FIDO and W3C want to set the standard for 21st-century #authentication. They seek to do away with phishing, credential breaches, and MITM attacks. And the major browsers seem to be playing along.
But is anyone experiencing déjà vu here? In #SecurityBlogwatch, we’ve heard it all before.🤣
by @richi at #TechBeacon #cososec
Deep learning transforms smartphone microscopes into laboratory-grade devices
Plan for quantum supremacy
"Things are getting real for researchers in the UC Santa Barbara John Martinis/Google group. They are making good on their intentions to declare supremacy in a tight global race to build the first quantum machine to outperform the world's best classical supercomputers."
Night owls have higher risk of dying sooner
(Research clearly funded by morning people)
Thin Engineered Material Perfectly Redirects and Reflects Sound
(Research funded by the Office of Naval Research and the National Science Foundation)
Swamp microbe has pollution-munching superpower
(Research funded by the National Science Foundation)
Living Underground On Other Worlds. Exploring Lava Tubes
From: Maria Popova
Microbial oceanographer Penny Chisholm discovered the smallest photosynthetic cell on the planet, which she and her team first mistook for noise in the instrument.
Life, even at its simplest, is so complex and marvelous: Each of these tiny organisms, called Prochlorococcus, is only 1/100 the width of a human hair yet has 2,000 genes in its genome
(from a 2018 TED talk)
NSF Astronomical Sciences/Electromagnetic Spectrum Management · Astrophysicist · Engineer · Posts are my own.