OMG I have found heaven in a bag! Thank goodness the warehouse club is far enough away I won’t be able to overindulge!

My 14-year-old was insistent that I wake him up early so he could watch the coronation live. As we’re watching them present Charles with all the relics and ceremonial Knick knacks, he asks me, β€œis that a holy hand grenade?!”

Wow…the first time in 50 years (since β€˜73 and my first year of kindergarten!) that I’ve been at school for an actual tornado warning. Thank goodness my classroom is the lecture hall (built-in basement!) and I didn’t have to corral 40 kids in to a bathroom!

Mr. Turtle has managed to wedge himself into a corner…home room class will have to get him out and back in his tank so he can eat 😬

Went outside for the first time since Thursday, and found him frozen to the table 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

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