I know I will be asleep well before midnight (I love being older and not caring if I’m at a party), so I’ll say Happy New Year now.

I’m not a fan of resolutions, but my goal for 2023 is to show myself and others more grace and patience, to worry a little bit less about everything, to savor the present moments more and to challenge myself to be a wee less introverted. Here’s to a great new year!

Happy everything to you all! I hope you find peace and joy in however you choose to spend the holidays.

Boo! Our Dickens Festival is cancelled for today due to high winds and rain. Mother Nature is not in the holiday spirit.

Sometimes it takes a village to lace you into a corset for your local Dickens Festival! My posture has never been better.

Big Gretch coming back for four more years as Michigan’s governor! AND Prop 3 passes! It’s a good day!

If I have to hear one more political ad about Big Gretch putting drag queens in schools, I’m going to throw something. For non-Michiganders, Big Gretch is our governor.

I know it’s sideways because I took this pic in portrait mode vs landscape, but I’m just proud that Stuart kept the Halloween bandana on for more than 30 seconds!

We are on a slippery slope my friends. This ruling is just the start.


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