
I find it troubling that does not allow connections if I am behind a VPN.

@Iskios Why? It's not safe for coso to allow "fake" connections as that would let folks do a bad and not be caught.

@Iskios You also need to be approved to have access to the api to run your own app ie: Post to multiple socials at once you'd use a third party app and request api access to get and post to your feed.

If everyone were allowed access then you have the issue of internal ddos attacks.

@Iskios It does, but it depends on the server. I am on one right now.

@HawkHorton for privacy reasons I often use a vpn when I am not connected to my private home network. Having to turn the vpn off is a problem.

@Iskios IMO, VPNs are more trouble than they're worth.

@Iskios banks do it too. that's why i quit, and guess what, no probs. found. I'm small potatoes. nothing to steal. except my godzilla pictures collection.

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